Assembly LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView
Namespace LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView
Gets the data bounds, the min and max values in the axis.
Type: Bounds
Type: Bounds
Gets the data visible bounds, the min and max visible values in the axis that are currently in the UI.
Type: Bounds
Type: Bounds
Gets or sets the size of the name label.
Type: Double
Type: Double
Gets or sets the padding of the name label.
Type: Padding
Type: Padding
Gets or sets the labels alignment, default is null and means that the library will set it based on the
Orientation and Position properties.
Type: Nullable<Align>
Type: Nullable<Align>
Gets the orientation.
Type: AxisOrientation
Type: AxisOrientation
Gets or sets the minimum step, the step defines the interval between every separator in the axis,
LiveCharts will calculate it automatically based on the chart data and the chart size size, if the calculated step is
less than the MinStep then MinStep will be used as the axis step, default is 0.
Type: Double
Type: Double
Gets or sets whether the axis should use the MinStep as the actual step of the axis, if true, the library
will not calculate the step of the axis automatically, instead it will use the value in the MinStep property.
Be careful when setting this property to true, it might cause performance issues if the step is too small for the current
data in the chart. Default value is false.
Type: Boolean
Type: Boolean
Gets or sets the axis position.
Type: AxisPosition
Type: AxisPosition
Gets or sets the labels rotation in degrees.
Type: Double
Type: Double
Gets or sets the labels, if labels are not null, then the axis label will be pulled from the labels collection,
the label is mapped to the chart based on the position of the label and the position of the point, both integers,
if the axis requires a label outside the bounds of the labels collection, then the index will be returned as the label.
Default value is null.
Type: IList<String>
Type: IList<String>
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the separator lines are visible.
Type: Boolean
Type: Boolean
Gets or sets the custom separators array, when this property is set (not null)
the axis will use the values in this array instead of calculating the separators automatically.
Defalut is null.
Type: IEnumerable<Double>
Type: IEnumerable<Double>
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis is inverted based on the Cartesian coordinate system.
Type: Boolean
Type: Boolean
Gets or sets the name paint.
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the text paint.
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the separators paint.
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the sub-separators paint.
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the number of subseparators to draw.
Type: Int32
Type: Int32
Gets or sets whether the ticks path should be drawn.
Type: Boolean
Type: Boolean
Gets or sets the separators paint.
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the separators paint.
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the zero paint.
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the crosshair paint.
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the crosshair labels paint.
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the crosshair labels padding.
Type: Padding
Type: Padding
Gets or sets whether the crosshair snaps to nearest series.
Type: Boolean
Type: Boolean
Gets or sets the animations speed, if this property is null, the
AnimationsSpeed property will be used.
Type: Nullable<TimeSpan>
Type: Nullable<TimeSpan>
Gets or sets the easing function to animate the series, if this property is null, the
EasingFunction property will be used.
Type: Func<Single, Single>
Type: Func<Single, Single>
Places the title in the same direction as the axis, default is false.
Type: Boolean
Type: Boolean
Occurs when the axis is initialized.
Handler definition: Action<ICartesianAxis>
Handler definition: Action<ICartesianAxis>
Occurs when a property value changes.
Handler definition: PropertyChangedEventHandler
Handler definition: PropertyChangedEventHandler
// Gets the axis limits considering its own and the SharedWith axes.