
Assembly LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView.WinForms
Namespace LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView.WinForms




// Initializes a new instance of the PieChart class.
// Initializes a new instance of the PieChart class.
IChartTooltip<SkiaSharpDrawingContext> tooltip, // The default tool tip control.
IChartLegend<SkiaSharpDrawingContext> legend// The default legend.


Gets or sets the series.
Type: IEnumerable<ISeries>
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pie slices will be drawn clockwise, default is true.
Type: Boolean
Gets or sets the initial rotation in degrees, this angle specifies where the first pie slice will be drawn, then the remaining slices will stack according to its corresponding position.
Type: Double
Gets or sets the maximum angle in degrees, default is 360.
Type: Double
Gets or sets the total, it is the maximum value a pie slice can represent, when this property is null, the Total property will be calculated automatically based on the series data. Default value is null.
Type: Nullable<Double>
Gets or sets the end value, normally used in gauges to set the maximum value a pie slice can represent, default is null, and means the pie chart total sum.
Type: Nullable<Double>
Gets or sets the minimum valu, normally used in gauges to set the minimum value a pie slice can represent, default is 0.
Type: Double
Gets the core.
Type: IChart
Gets the core canvas.
Type: MotionCanvas<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the draw margin, if this property is null, the library will calculate a margin, this margin is the distance between the view bounds and the drawable area.
Type: Margin
Gets or sets the chart title.
Type: VisualElement<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the Synchronization Context, use this property to use an external object to handle multi threading synchronization.
Type: Object
Gets or sets the animations speed.
Type: TimeSpan
Gets or sets the easing function, the library already provides many easing functions in the LiveCharts.EasingFunction static class.
Type: Func<Single, Single>
Gets or sets the legend position.
Type: LegendPosition
Gets or sets the legend default text paint, when null the library will use the default text paint.
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the legend background paint, when null the library will use the default background paint.
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the legend text size, when null the library will use the default text size.
Type: Nullable<Double>
Gets or sets the legend.
Type: IChartLegend<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the tooltip position.
Type: TooltipPosition
Gets or sets the tooltip default text paint, when null the library will use the default text paint.
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the tooltip background paint, when null the library will use the default background paint.
Type: IPaint<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets the tooltip text size, when null the library will use the default text size.
Type: Nullable<Double>
Gets or sets the tooltip.
Type: IChartTooltip<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the automatic updates are enabled.
Type: Boolean
Gets or sets the updater throttler, this property controls the interval where the user interface updates.
Type: TimeSpan
Gets or sets the visual elements.
Type: IEnumerable<ChartElement<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>>
Sets the back color of the control.
Type: Color


Occurs before the chart is measured, this is the first step before the chart updates.
Handler definition: ChartEventHandler<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Occurs when the chart started an update, just when the drawing loop started.
Handler definition: ChartEventHandler<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Occurs when a chart update finished, just when the drawing loop finished.
Handler definition: ChartEventHandler<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>
Occurs when the pointer goes down over a chart point(s).
Handler definition: ChartPointsHandler
Occurs when the pointer goes down over a chart point, if there are multiple points, the closest one will be selected.
Handler definition: ChartPointHandler
Occurs when the pointer goes down over a visual element.
Handler definition: VisualElementsHandler<SkiaSharpDrawingContext>


// Gets all the ChartPoint that contain the given point.
LvcPoint point, // The given point.
TooltipFindingStrategy strategy// The finding strategy, default is Automatic.
// Gets all the VisualElement`1 that contain the given point.
LvcPoint point// The given point.
// Gets the drawn control.
// Invalidates the control.