World Heat Map

This sample uses C# 12 features, it also uses features from the CommunityToolkit.Mvvm package, you can learn more about it here.

This web site wraps every sample using a UserControl instance, but LiveCharts controls can be used inside any container.

sample image

View model

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input;
using LiveChartsCore.Geo;
using LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView;
using LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView.Drawing.Geometries;

namespace ViewModelsSamples.Maps.World;

public partial class ViewModel
    private bool _isBrazilInChart = true;
    private readonly HeatLand _brazil;
    private readonly Random _r = new();

    public ViewModel()
        // every country has a unique identifier
        // check the "shortName" property in the following
        // json file to assign a value to a country in the heat map
        var lands = new HeatLand[]
            new() { Name = "bra", Value = 13 },
            new() { Name = "mex", Value = 10 },
            new() { Name = "usa", Value = 15 },
            new() { Name = "can", Value = 8 },
            new() { Name = "ind", Value = 12 },
            new() { Name = "deu", Value = 13 },
            new() { Name= "jpn", Value = 15 },
            new() { Name = "chn", Value = 14 },
            new() { Name = "rus", Value = 11 },
            new() { Name = "fra", Value = 8 },
            new() { Name = "esp", Value = 7 },
            new() { Name = "kor", Value = 10 },
            new() { Name = "zaf", Value = 12 },
            new() { Name = "are", Value = 13 }

        Series = [new HeatLandSeries { Lands = lands }];

        _brazil = lands.First(x => x.Name == "bra");

    public HeatLandSeries[] Series { get; set; }

    public void ToggleBrazil()
        var lands = Series[0].Lands;
        if (lands is null) return;

        if (_isBrazilInChart)
            Series[0].Lands = lands.Where(x => x != _brazil).ToArray();
            _isBrazilInChart = false;

        Series[0].Lands = [.. lands, _brazil];
        _isBrazilInChart = true;

    private async void DoRandomChanges()
        await Task.Delay(1000);

        while (true)
            foreach (var shape in Series[0].Lands ?? Enumerable.Empty<IWeigthedMapLand>())
                shape.Value = _r.Next(0, 20);

            await Task.Delay(500);


<UserControl x:Class="UnoWinUISample.Maps.World.View"
    <lvc:GeoMap Series="{Binding Series}" MapProjection="Mercator"/>

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