

You can also create gauges with the PieChart control, the library provides the GaugeGenerator class, it is a helper class that builds a collection of PieSeries<ObservableValue> based on the properties we specify, this documentation contains multiple gauges samples, here you can find the basic gauge sample.

The GaugeGenerator.BuildSolidGauge() function, takes one or multiple GaugeItem instances as parameters, a GaugeItem instance represents an element in our gauge, the constructor of the GaugeItem class takes 2 arguments:

You can find an example that uses both parameters in the slim gauge sample.

Finally, there is a special value to customize the background series of a gauge, using the GaugeItem.Background as the value in the GaugeItem class, will create a series behind our gauge values that will behave as the background in our plot, here is an example that uses this feature.