This sample uses C# 12 features, it also uses features from the CommunityToolkit.Mvvm package, you can learn more about it here.
This web site wraps every sample using a ContentPage
instance, but LiveCharts controls can be used inside any container.

View model
using System.Collections.Generic;
using LiveChartsCore;
using LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView.Painting;
using SkiaSharp;
using System;
using LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView.Extensions;
namespace ViewModelsSamples.Pies.Custom;
public class ViewModel
public IEnumerable<ISeries> Series { get; set; }
public ViewModel()
var outer = 0;
var data = new[] { 6, 5, 4, 3 };
// you can convert any array, list or IEnumerable<T> to a pie series collection:
Series = data.AsPieSeries((value, series) =>
// this method is called once per element in the array, so:
// for the series with the value 6, we set the OuterRadiusOffset to 0
// for the series with the value 5, the OuterRadiusOffset is 50
// for the series with the value 4, the OuterRadiusOffset is 100
// for the series with the value 3, the OuterRadiusOffset is 150
series.OuterRadiusOffset = outer;
outer += 50;
series.DataLabelsPaint = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.White)
SKTypeface = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName("Arial", SKFontStyle.Bold)
series.ToolTipLabelFormatter =
point =>
var pv = point.Coordinate.PrimaryValue;
var sv = point.StackedValue!;
var a = $"{pv}/{sv.Total}{Environment.NewLine}{sv.Share:P2}";
return a;
series.DataLabelsFormatter =
point =>
var pv = point.Coordinate.PrimaryValue;
var sv = point.StackedValue!;
var a = $"{pv}/{sv.Total}{Environment.NewLine}{sv.Share:P2}";
return a;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage x:Class="MauiSample.Pies.Custom.View"
<lvc:PieChart Series="{Binding Series}" InitialRotation="-90"/>