Logarithmic Scale

The [ObservableObject], [ObservableProperty] and [RelayCommand] attributes come from the CommunityToolkit.Mvvm package, you can read more about it here.

This web site wraps every sample using a UserControl instance, but LiveCharts controls can be used inside any container.

sample image

View model

using System;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using LiveChartsCore;
using LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView;
using LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView.Painting;
using SkiaSharp;

namespace ViewModelsSamples.Axes.Logarithmic;

public partial class ViewModel : ObservableObject
    // base 10 log, change the base if you require it.
    // or use any custom scale the logic is the same.
    private static readonly int s_logBase = 10;

    public ISeries[] Series { get; set; } =
        new LineSeries<LogarithmicPoint>
            // for the x coordinate, we use the X property
            // and for the Y coordinate, we will map it to the logarithm of the value
            Mapping = (logPoint, index) => new(logPoint.X, Math.Log(logPoint.Y, s_logBase)),
            Values = new LogarithmicPoint[]
                new() { X = 1, Y = 1 },
                new() { X = 2, Y = 10 },
                new() { X = 3, Y = 100 },
                new() { X = 4, Y = 1000 },
                new() { X = 5, Y = 10000 },
                new() { X = 6, Y = 100000 },
                new() { X = 7, Y = 1000000 },
                new() { X = 8, Y = 10000000 }

    public Axis[] YAxes { get; set; } =
        new LogaritmicAxis(s_logBase)
            SeparatorsPaint = new SolidColorPaint
                Color = SKColors.Black.WithAlpha(100),
                StrokeThickness = 1,
            SubseparatorsPaint = new SolidColorPaint
                Color = SKColors.Black.WithAlpha(50),
                StrokeThickness = 0.5f
            SubseparatorsCount = 9,


namespace ViewModelsSamples.Axes.Logarithmic;

public class LogarithmicPoint
    public double X { get; set; }
    public double Y { get; set; }


<UserControl x:Class="WPFSample.Axes.Logarithmic.View"
        Series="{Binding Series}"
        DrawMarginFrame="{Binding Frame}"
        XAxes="{Binding XAxes}"
        YAxes="{Binding YAxes}">

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